Thursday, January 17, 2008

I am 4 Months Old!!!

Camille just turned 4 months old! At her Doctors appointment yesterday she weighed in at 12 lbs 5 oz and 25 inches long! Watch out Isabel she might pass you up! The doctor also informed me that she was teething......funny that an SLP and Dentist had missed that one(I thought she was just a very oral 3 month old). He thinks her first tooth will be her in the next 2-3 weeks-can she really old enough for that yet?
Her newest timepassers and teasers include:
~Sucking on the face of her gloworm but only when the face is lit up(picky)......very stimulating.
~Grabbing her own pacifier out of her mouth....unfortunately she can't get it back in so this is also a timepasser for me.
~Grabbing her her toes (both feet at once) cute!
~ She continues to squeal louder, longer, and consecutively attracting everyones attention at church, the mall, bank, grocery store checkout line, etc.....she cracks us up!

Since we got home from the holidays, we have spent the last couple of weeks getting caught up on everything and trying to figure out the mystery of our robbers which we will never have the answer to! Sam is motivated more than ever to study hard and so our countdown for him to take the boards has begun. Maybe I should add a ticker to our blog! Until then, that is probably the only report I will have for him....studying, studying longer, studying harder, studying more, still studying.......

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wow! Another Year is over and time keeps flying by. It is funny how 9 months of pregnancy drags on forever and then once your little one gets here you can't even keep track of the date because time goes by so fast. We had a wonderful Christmas break in Utah and enjoyed spending time together and with our families.
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